Eugen-Biser Foundation
The Eugen Biser Foundation focuses on the future of Christianity and the need for interreligious and intercultural understanding. It seeks answers to pressing religious, social, and cultural questions.
In doing so, it wants to make a contribution from a Christian perspective and provide impulses for peaceful coexistence in a pluralistic, liberal democratic society. Its activities are based on the fundamental Christian values of human dignity, freedom, and tolerance.
The foundation is active nationwide. It is non-profit and independent.
Guiding questions:
Given the increase in social, cultural, and religious heterogeneity due to migration and globalization, how can processes of understanding be set in motion to deal constructively with the new diversity and ensure social cohesion?
In particular, how can the creative significance of religious identity be used for social cohesion
How can interreligious competences be developed to counteract religious discrimination as well as populist and anti-religious attitudes?
How can we address the twofold challenge of religion in a society that sees itself as secular - on the one hand, its marginalization and corresponding relegation to the realm of the private (irrelevance); on the other hand, its reduction to extremism and violence (force of evil)?
How can interreligious language skills be anchored in political and democratic education?

Stefan Zinsmeister: Board Member

Dr. Sabine Exner-Krikorian: Head of the program area Interreligious Democracy Education